Water Shutoff Valves
Even a small water leak can cause extreme damage to a property. Residential, commercial, or industrial property owners should be aware of where their water shutoff valve is located and how they can access it. These valves allow you to quickly turn off the water in your plumbing, preventing a small problem from becoming a catastrophe.
CPV Manufacturing offers the highest quality valves for this purpose, but we also want to educate our customers on their use and how they can protect their property from water damage.
How to Find Your Water Shutoff Valve
If you are not sure where your shutoff valve is located, it is easy to find. The most likely location is against the inside of the perimeter wall that faces the street. Water lines always run into a building in a straight line from the street, so you will probably find the shutoff valve somewhere against the perimeter wall.
The valve will probably not be above ground level, so you should check the bottom of the first floor or basement ceiling. If you cannot locate the valve inside the property, there should be one you can access from the street. There is probably a metal or plastic utility box somewhere on the boundary of your property line.
You can remove the lid to find the water meter and shutoff valves. The valve closest to the street is the utility company’s shutoff valve. Those are designed so that only the utility company can use them, so you won’t be able to turn it. The one closest to your property should have a knob or nut which can be turned. You can use this valve to stop the flow of water to your property if you have a burst pipe or other emergency.
Contact Us
If you are interested in learning more about water shutoff valves or the products provided by CPV Manufacturing, please contact us!