2016 Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Expo Highlights

Distributors, manufacturers, suppliers, and EPCs gathered at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX, for the inaugural Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas on June 13 and June 14. For two days, industry leaders provided event goers with the necessary information to control fugitive emissions and discussed current trends, news, and best practices.

Here are a few highlights from the 2016 Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Expo.

About Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas

plant thermal powerThe 2016 Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas was designed to help the industry better comply with the rules and regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). During the expo and conference, experts from Tesoro, United Valve, and many more organizations held workshops, plenaries, and short educational lectures to help many control fugitive emissions.

For example, Chris Lehmann of TRICORD Consulting discussed EPA regulations and consent degrees. Matt Wasielewski of Yarmouth Research & Technology spoke about common low E failure modes for valves.

Other plenary paper presentations at the conference and expo touched on a variety of topics, including:

  • Low emission testing
  • Industry trends
  • Valve and packing testing
  • Valve sealing technology
  • Refinery and chemical plant applications

Workshops at the 2016 Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Expo and Conference focused on everything from standards and testing to gaskets and proper installation and maintenance of valves.

A Focus on LDAR

pollutionThe event also focused heavily on leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs and how current regulations affect all industries and what they can do to meet these guidelines downstream or upstream.

During the expo and conference, a plenary was presented by Bronson Pate of Sage Environmental Consulting that discussed the modernization of LDAR. Pate also led a workshop that focused on compliance sustainability in LDAR and whether consent decrees were possible.

According to Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas Chairman Rodney Roth, “The program will be based on the presentation of new and innovative technologies to help everyone succeed with the development and continued improvement of the LDAR programs you are charged with managing.”

2018 Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas

Following the success of this year’s event, we can confirm that the Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas expo and conference will return in the summer of 2018. Exact dates and event details have yet to be released. Stay tuned for updates about Fugitive Emissions Summit Americas 2018.

CPV Manufacturing strives to control fugitive emissions. Our shutoff and control valves are designed to meet even the strictest fugitive emissions standards and ensure safer operation and cleaner air. For more information, contact CPV Manufacturing.