Here’s How to Carry out Pressure Relief Valve Repair for Your Marine Vehicle
The safety of your ship and crew is the most important part of a voyage. This means all pressure
relief valves need to work all the time.
That’s a tall order, and it means you have to do all the regular maintenance and repairs right away,
sometimes without access to parts.
Read on for the ultimate list of best practices for doing your own work on a pressure relief valve
Who Should Repair PRVs?
Only people with plenty of experience should conduct repairs on pressure relief valves. Someone
who has studied valves and understands how they work and why they’re needed may have the
qualifications to fix or replace the valve. Anyone working with a PRV should follow manufacturer
specifications and maintenance procedures throughout the entire process.
If you have to replace the valve or part of a valve, you’ll need to choose the right replacement. To
pick the best one, you’ll have to be able to size a valve according to code. If you’re unsure about the
codes or haven’t talked to the all the parties involved, stop and communicate before moving on.
You’ll also want to figure out what the worst case scenario is, rather than hoping for the best. A
valve is there to prevent accidents. If it can’t prevent the worst ones, it’s not always useful.
Run your calculations based on the highest numbers and most terrible possibilities so that you’ll
always be ready for emergencies. Then you’ll be able to pick the best valve for the repair.
Important Tips for Pressure Relief Valve Repair
One of the biggest reasons for PRV repair is that PRVs aren’t installed the right way the first time.
When you’re responsible for that installation, do your best to make sure you aren’t the cause.
As you take it apart, make sure you take a good look at each piece and check for defects. Clean
them as you go, but don’t scrub too hard or you could damage the piece.
One more note: always protect the nameplate during your repair. It will still need to be readable
when you’re done so future repair techs can find the right parts.
Maintaining Industry Standards
In a normal setting, PRVs should have an inspection every year, and you should replace them at
most every five years for safety. There are exceptions for every situation, so check the
requirements for your particular machinery. Here are some common problems to check for when
doing your inspection:
Diaphragms (main and pilot) – no leaks
Cracks in fittings – no leaks, in particular near joints
Strainer screen – dirty/plugged
Lines – no blocks or plugs
Ball valve – proper position (open or closed)
If anything looks out of the ordinary, make sure you understand the entire problem before
attempting a repair. After the problem’s fixed, double check before you say the PRV is working and
there are no other repairs needed.
Staying Safe
Pressure relief valve repair is an important part of ship safety. Only qualified people should work
on PRVs, they should follow all the manufacturer instructions. Communicate with all parties to
choose the best repair parts.
Doing a full inspection ensures you’ll have no surprises down the road.
We can help you figure out which valve fits your needs. Contact us for a quote today.