The Evolution of Industrial Manufacturing: Industry Predictions and Projections for 2016

Industrial manufacturing is constantly adapting and being altered based on needs that must be met as well as products that must be created. Manufacturers are looking toward the future, reinventing their enterprises and utilizing advanced technologies to create solid strategies.

Find out more about the changes predicted for industrial manufacturing and what it could mean for your business.

Cloud Deployment

According to,Industrial Manufacturing Predictions  manufacturers are beginning their journeys into the future starting at cloud deployment. These technologies store data affordably and logically. Manufacturers will test different concepts and transition to cloud solutions.

These steps may be taken slowly to ensure that they’re working for the manufacturers by moving one department to the cloud at a time.


Manufacturers will also begin to focus on network security as they incorporate more mobile and social solutions into their strategy. They’ll equate security with technology because of the increase of advanced features that are being used. Manufacturers will look to industries such as medical device manufacturing when it comes to security and traceability.

Data stated that an estimates 50 billion devices will be connected by 2030. This year, manufacturers will begin to create an IoT strategy and determine what they will do with this data that has been collecting over time. By putting the right tools into place, manufacturers will “be able to reach new heights of understanding about buying triggers and products in use.”

The Outcome

Industrial Manufacturing Predictions As industrial manufacturing improves, there’s a large impact on the job market that can lead to an improved US economy.

Technologies are creating efficiency among manufacturers, and as a result, US hires are becoming more affordable. While many companies in the US have outsourced their manufacturing jobs to developing countries to lower the cost of operation, others are increasing profit margins on products so product values increase in the eyes of the consumer.

People may mistakenly believe that with the increase in automation and the technologies that manufacturers will be incorporating, jobs will be lost. However, workers are needed to operate the machines rather than to be phased out by them.

A team is also needed to handle maintenance in the facility. Keeping track of inventory and handling it typically can’t be replicated with machinery. It can be managed with technology, but it’s still necessary for workers to be part of the process. states that “mobile collaboration and data synchronization is key to allowing your team to remain productive, moving the baton forward, no matter where they are.”

Technology and software will make operations more efficient, but it’s not possible without employees. In 2016, software solutions will play a big role in the advances that manufacturers are making. Solutions will also be deployed in the cloud and manufacturers will greatly benefit from these technologies in many ways.

Click here to contact CPV Manufacturing and learn about their high-quality valves and fittings.

About the Author:

Joshua Raizman
Senior Applications Engineer
Joshua joined CPV as a mechanical engineer in 2008, following co-op assignments as an engineer at the Naval Air Engineering Center, where he received a Secret security clearance, and as a reliability engineer at ATA Airlines. He has held a variety of engineering and applications positions at CPV. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Drexel University