Innovative and Diverse Financing Is the Key to Unlocking Market Opportunities

FinancingGlobal manufacturers are using innovative financing to seize market opportunities, and manufacturers across the world are reporting a need to invest in new generation technology. According to Process Industry Informer, this investment in technology will allow them to meet four key sector challenges:

  • Increase production capacity and flexibility to meet changing demand and drive sales
  • Improve client service quality while reducing production costs
  • Improve competitive positioning through improved product quality and broader product range
  • Optimize efficiency, cost control, and manufacturing agility through automation and digitalization

Innovative financing techniques are helping to drive growth in industry, healthcare, and infrastructure by investing in the digitalization of processes and technologies.

What Is Digitalization?

It enables the output of real-time performance data from processes and systems. When these data are analyzed, they can be used to improve productivity and efficiency. This will lead to higher cost savings and a competitive advantage for businesses.

Why Is It Important to Have a Diverse Range of Financing Techniques?

Finance TalkFor manufacturers to meet their challenges, they’re diversifying their range of financing techniques so they can afford innovative digitalized technology.

Asset finance is seen as a key investment because it can accommodate the total cost of ownership approach to key technology. Payments can then be adjusted to fit the expected savings or gains that the new technology brings.

Having numerous financing techniques is important for manufacturers as they look to technology for effectiveness in their business. When there are multiple technological advances, it’s important that there’s flexible and appropriate funding for the public and private organizations to embrace digitalization.

In the US, the diverse financing sources provided allow consumers and businesses to manage their risks in a more efficient manner and lower their cost of capital. This diversity also allows consumers and businesses to align their needs to sources. It also is beneficial since each financing source can provide a different set of sources.

How Can I Tailor Financing Methods?

As organizations adopt a diverse range of financing techniques, it becomes necessary to tailor them to that organization. A whitepaper by Siemens details these methods as “total cost of ownership financing, performance-based financing, energy efficient technology financing, multiple jurisdiction financing and solutions to enable ongoing investment with built-in points of refreshment.” Specialist financiers with expertise and knowledge in certain industries would assist you to customize your support to specific technology applications and customer requirements.

According to the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, an efficient and diverse financial system facilitates economic growth, based on a study that included a large number of countries. The financial system facilitates this economic growth by “facilitating trade, facilitating risk management for various individual and businesses, mobilizing resources and obtaining information, evaluating businesses and individuals based on this information and allocating capital.”

It’s important to consider diverse financing to ensure your business unlocks market opportunities.

Contact CPV Manufacturing to learn more about our products.

About the Author:

Joshua Raizman
Senior Applications Engineer
Joshua joined CPV as a mechanical engineer in 2008, following co-op assignments as an engineer at the Naval Air Engineering Center, where he received a Secret security clearance, and as a reliability engineer at ATA Airlines. He has held a variety of engineering and applications positions at CPV. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Drexel University