Naval Engineering: Industry Trends for the 21st Century

The massive waves of new technology have skyrocketed in the past decades. Discoveries and new ideas pop up in every industry and naval engineering is no different.

We’re only 2 decades into this century, many fields of engineering are starting to look very different than they’ve ever been. 

What trends will have the biggest impact on the future of naval engineering? What trends may not make it out of the testing stage?

For all the big details, read on more below. 

Engineering is an industry about solving problems and these trends aim for revolutionary answers. From tackling concerns on costs, alternate fuel sources, and automation, the future of naval engineering is pushing forward.

The Rise of 3D Printers

3D printers have taken the world by storm. The new 3D printers can do what used to be the job of an entire factory and with the potential to be much cheaper.

3D printers can create precision 3D modeled parts and craft them in durable plastics. The highest quality printers have been crafting parts durable enough for the strenuous requirements of naval engineering. 

3D printers have increased in quality by leaps and bounds. Now, the creation of smaller parts by a single printer is possible, increasing speed and reducing the cost of many naval engineering projects.

Robotics and Automation Processes

Every year, better and more efficient robotics come to the market. These machines provide automation and boost to assembly lines around the world. Shipbuilding and other naval engineering positions have shied away from robotics.

As robotic work forces grow more and more efficient, it may be harder and harder to avoid the benefits of robotics. 

What this may mean for naval engineers of the future is hard to tell. 

Liquified Natural Gas Engines

Alternative fuel sources have been a hot topic for years now. While many factors have been effecting this trend, the major drive has been the rise in quality fuel expenses. 

The effort to find better sources of quality fuel has led to research on liquified natural gas, or LNG, and turbine generated electricity.

LNG has already found a lot of use in many naval vessels while electrically run ships are still in the research stage.

The strength of LNG has come from its inexpensive nature and relative environmental friendliness. LNG produces a tiny amount of CO2 and LNG engines do not produce SOX gas

Integrated Electric Propulsion

In the electricity department, integrated electric propulsion has taken a strong rise. The system involves gas or diesel generators to create three-phase electricity to power the ship.

This system can power an engine without noise and allows for more freedom on engine placement as well. It also eliminates the need for clutches and other items, due to the switch from the mechanical transmission to electrical transmission. 

The Future of Naval Engineering

Naval engineering could be on the edge of a new era of design and efficient innovation. Wherever the future of naval engineering goes, we at CPV Manufacturing will lead.

For more information on naval engineering and how we can help your industry thrive, contact us today!