Parts On the Move

Valve Supply Chain

In an age when moving materials or parts around the world is commonplace, making sure they are quality parts, managing expenses, and ensuring that the records are accurate can be a challenge.Issues in managing the supply chain can be broken down into three main areas of concern: cost, quality, and accuracy.

  1. Cost – Largely due to lack of domestic supply, many U.S. manufacturers depend on imported raw materials and valve components. According to a May 16, 2017, report by ICF, a global consulting services company, about 40 percent of U.S. valve parts and 16 percent of finished valves are imported. Fitting imports stand at 42 percent. With the current 25 percent import tariff on steel imported to the U.S. from certain countries, the price tags are becoming more difficult to control.
  1. Quality – Poor quality comes with consequences and is never acceptable at CPV. Knowing where and who they are coming from is essential in ensuring that parts and raw materials meet quality standards. Assurance that the source and all other players in the pipeline are reputable is the first step in guaranteeing quality.

At CPV Manufacturing, we work tirelessly to meet or exceed all standards of quality, performance, and dependability in our valves and fittings.

  1. Accuracy – The valve supply chain is made up of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors. Information is passed down through the line and may be handled by any number of people, leaving plenty of room for mistakes or omissions, and opportunities for documents to be lost.

With so much information for scores of parts and raw materials to keep track of, use of electronic documentation can help prevent loss and ensure accuracy from end to end through the supply chain.

At CPV, we’re committed to producing only the highest quality valves and fittings. Contact us for more information about what our products can do for you.

About the Author:

Joshua Raizman
Senior Applications Engineer
Joshua joined CPV as a mechanical engineer in 2008, following co-op assignments as an engineer at the Naval Air Engineering Center, where he received a Secret security clearance, and as a reliability engineer at ATA Airlines. He has held a variety of engineering and applications positions at CPV. He graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from Drexel University