The Importance of Controlling Fugitive Emissions in the Petrochemical Industry

Petrochemical plants and industrial operations often struggle with a problem that is both difficult to detect and correct. Tiny leaks in a pressurized system can often become a huge issue for these facilities. As much as a third of all emissions from some industrial plants can come from inadvertent leaks in pressurized systems. Gases released from these small leaks are called fugitive emissions. Pressurized systems across the upstream, midstream, and downstream petrochemical markets experience losses due to fugitive emissions. Unfortunately, fugitive emissions in the petrochemical industry have a number of negative impacts on both petrochemical companies and their employees as well as the outside environment.

The Dangers of Fugitive Emissions

There are three main negative impacts associated with fugitive emissions. First, leaks in petrochemical operations can hurt companies economically. Preventable fugitive emissions could potentially account for a significant percentage of a petrochemical facility’s total emissions. In addition, companies can face financial consequences if they violate health and environmental regulations on fugitive emissions. Second, many of the fugitive gases released in oil and natural gas operations are very dangerous to humans, even in small amounts. Fugitive emissions can threaten the health of workers in petrochemical facilities and operations, as well as the well-being of others in proximity to these emissions. Finally, fugitive emissions can negatively affect the environment. Reports have shown that fugitive emissions account for 5.2 percent of greenhouse emissions worldwide.

Mitigating Fugitive Emissions

In a pressurized system, points like valves, pumps, pipe connections, and seals are some of the most prominent locations for fugitive emissions to escape. Not all pressurized systems release the same amount of fugitive emissions. The design, quality, and condition of this primary equipment can drastically affect the amount of fugitive emissions released. Operations procedures, specially designed equipment, and regular maintenance can help mitigate the amount of fugitive emissions released during an operation. CPV Manufacturing creates valves and fittings for the petrochemical industry that are designed to reduce fugitive emissions and resist corrosion. High-quality, well-designed valves can reduce the financial burden of fugitive emissions, help keep workers safe, and mitigate the negative environmental impacts of a petrochemical operation.

At CPV Manufacturing, we have decades of experience controlling fugitive emissions in the petrochemical industry. For assistance, contact our team at

Valve and Fitting Requirements for Ships and Submarines

Civilian sailors and navy members across the globe depend on CPV manufacturing to keep them floating out on many different lakes and seas. In the shipbuilding and submarine industry, fluid control valves and piping are vital for the operation of marine vessels. The integrity of a ship or submarine can often come down to a single valve or fitting. Pipeline systems and valves used in marine operations must stand up to unique environments and conditions. Here are some of the challenges that valves, and fittings must be designed for in a marine environment.

Corrosion Resistance

Pipelines and control valves that carry sea water or bilge water are vulnerable to rust and corrosion. Corrosion can also occur from moisture in the air around a pipeline. Many external and internal pipes and valves must have corrosion and rust resistant shielding materials on the inside and outside of the pipeline.

Pressure Spike Resistance

Valves and fittings are often the points of extreme pressure in a marine piping system. Everything from nuclear submarines to gigantic shipping tankers depend on the integrity of valves and fittings during pressure spikes. This means that marine valves and fittings must have high quality materials and the right designs to handle extreme pressure.

Expansion Resistance

Pipelines in marine environments are often exposed to drastically different temperatures, and the metal can expand and contract as a result. Valves and fittings must be able to withstand expansion and contraction in a piping system without warping or allowing a rupture.

Cleaning and Maintenance

The cleaning and maintenance of ship and submarine pipelines, valves, and fittings is an important part of keeping everything functioning properly. This can prevent wear and corrosion and notify crews of potential problems. These systems must be visible and accessible for cleaning and maintenance. Automated valves in tight spaces need to be able to be cleaned as well.

Valve Types

On ships and submarines, having the right type of valve in place is imperative. The wrong valve for a certain type of material can be catastrophic. Make sure to research the proper type of valve for each pipeline in the marine industry.

At CPV Manufacturing, we have decades of experience creating valves and fittings for both the US Navy and the shipbuilding industry.  For assistance selecting the correct valve and fitting for your application, contact our team at

Naval Engineering Best-Kept Secrets of Design

When you’re interested in the marine industry, it’s only right that you look into important changes taking place in the naval engineering field. This is a field that is continuously growing since governments and industries have so much invested in it. 

The United States currently has a naval shipbuilding budget of more than $200 billion a year, making it one of the largest in the world. 

To get an idea of some of the naval engineering design trends and secrets that are spreading, read on. 

1. The Use of 3D Printers

Companies are starting to use 3D printers to improve their construction times and lower their overhead costs. Expect this trend to continue with naval engineering. 

Builders can craft the most important parts and components from scratch, allowing engineers to put together plans to build large, sophisticated ships to spec. 

When using 3D printers, you’ll need to make sure that the components are crafted with the best material. This means understanding things like the different grades of stainless steel

2. Building With Robotics

Just like with 3D printers, expect companies to begin using robotics to speed up their building process. 

It gives you access to around the clock labor without having to pay several employees overtime. What’s more, the safety risk is minimal when you have fewer humans actively working on a project. 

As robotics technology becomes more precise and accurate, the most powerful shipbuilding companies in the world are forecast to keep adopting this practice. 

3. Eco-Friendly Naval Engineering

Right now, ships account for 3 percent of all carbon emissions on the planet. As such, companies in the shipbuilding industry are looking for ways to reduce emissions. 

Governments, in particular, are looking to push toward renewable energy, and are rewarding contractors that begin making the shift. They often will get tax breaks or other certifications that make it worth their effort. 

Some of the most common eco-friendly changes you can expect to see include turbine powered electricity and liquefied natural gas. Changing to these sources of fuel will dramatically reduce marine industry emissions and can also save on expenses at the same time. 

4. Improved Defense Against Cyber Threats

Cyberthreats are damaging across the board, and hackers are becoming more sophisticated and effective with their breaches. Since the defense industry accounts for the majority of money spent on shipbuilding, it’s only right to expect them to keep shoring up cybersecurity on marine vessels. 

These vessels have access to sensitive government communications and even nuclear codes, so a breach could be costly and dangerous. To stay ahead of the curve, a lot of money and time will be spent learning to defend against these attacks. 

Naval engineering trends are on the rise, and you can only expect them to continue as the years go by. The tips in this article will help you learn more about the design points that will last. 

To learn more about what we do in the shipbuilding industry, give us a call at (484)731-4010, or reach out for an online quote. 

Finding the Right Check Valves for the Shipbuilding Industry

Fire and flooding! These are the two greatest threats to a ship’s life while at sea, and by extension, to all souls aboard. Shipbuilders consider this and design safety into all facets of ship construction, from the keel up to the mast top.

No matter what type of waterborne vessel we are talking about, from tugboats to Navy combatant ships to cargo container transports, Archimedes’ principle (the physical law of buoyancy) only applies if the ship retains its watertight integrity.

Many factors contribute to a ship’s ability to maintain watertight integrity and stay afloat. Among them being effective rubber gaskets on doors and hatches, painting and preservation that prevents hull deterioration, and check valves in critical systems.

A fire aboard ship can be caused by carelessness like the incorrect storage of hazardous materials. Fires can also be sparked by flammable liquids or gases leaking or cross-contamination. What prevents this disaster?

The answer is check valves that are properly aligned and functioning correctly.

Let’s learn more about check valves for shipbuilding and how they are used to help keep crews and passengers safe while transiting the world’s waterways.

What Are Check Valves For Shipbuilding?

Check valves are designed to prevent reverse flow of fluids and gases within a system. Their main purpose is to keep media (or “fluid”) flowing in one direction – forward. They are two-port valves, which means they have two openings in the body: one for fluid to enter and the other for fluid to leave.

Because check valves operate automatically without manual intervention, they prevent flooding which may occur due to gravity or upon system shutdown (especially unplanned shutdown due to power loss, for example).

How Do Check Valves Work?

Consider fluid moving through a piping system, such as fuel or lubricating oil for the ship’s engines. Leakage or backflow of such fluids would spell trouble if it occurs. Not only could the ship go “dead in the water,” but a fire could result.

Spring Check valves are commonly used in such systems. These valves are made with a flat disc attached to a cylindrical stem, and a spring retained in the body, keeping the disc closed against a valve seat. When the disc lifts, it allows fluid to enter and flow through the system in one direction. This action causes the valve to open. If fluid pressure decreases or flow begins to reverse, the disc is triggered to close against the valve seat by the spring force against it, thus protecting system safety.

Our Products Help Ships’ Systems Operate Safely

Shipbuilding is a demanding industry. While the finished product, such as an oil tanker or Navy aircraft carrier, can be quite large, the smallest internal components are often the most critical to the safety of the ship, its systems, and its personnel.

We manufacture valves and fittings that are designed and tested to the highest standards in the industry. Our name has been synonymous with high quality and reliability for over 100 years.

We have worked with the US Navy for over six decades, supplying valves and fittings that are currently installed in all Navy aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines.

We Are Buoyant About Our Future!

We are your go-to source, whether it’s check valves for shipbuilding, or valves and fittings for other industrial or high pressure applications.

Interested in learning more about CPV Manufacturing’s product lines? Have questions regarding applications and best practices? Contact us today!

Here’s How to Carry out Pressure Relief Valve Repair for Your Marine Vehicle

The safety of your ship and crew is the most important part of a voyage. This means all pressure
relief valves need to work all the time.

That’s a tall order, and it means you have to do all the regular maintenance and repairs right away,
sometimes without access to parts.

Read on for the ultimate list of best practices for doing your own work on a pressure relief valve

Who Should Repair PRVs?

Only people with plenty of experience should conduct repairs on pressure relief valves. Someone
who has studied valves and understands how they work and why they’re needed may have the
qualifications to fix or replace the valve. Anyone working with a PRV should follow manufacturer
specifications and maintenance procedures throughout the entire process.

If you have to replace the valve or part of a valve, you’ll need to choose the right replacement. To
pick the best one, you’ll have to be able to size a valve according to code. If you’re unsure about the
codes or haven’t talked to the all the parties involved, stop and communicate before moving on.

You’ll also want to figure out what the worst case scenario is, rather than hoping for the best. A
valve is there to prevent accidents. If it can’t prevent the worst ones, it’s not always useful.

Run your calculations based on the highest numbers and most terrible possibilities so that you’ll
always be ready for emergencies. Then you’ll be able to pick the best valve for the repair.

Important Tips for Pressure Relief Valve Repair

One of the biggest reasons for PRV repair is that PRVs aren’t installed the right way the first time.
When you’re responsible for that installation, do your best to make sure you aren’t the cause.

As you take it apart, make sure you take a good look at each piece and check for defects. Clean
them as you go, but don’t scrub too hard or you could damage the piece.

One more note: always protect the nameplate during your repair. It will still need to be readable
when you’re done so future repair techs can find the right parts.

Maintaining Industry Standards

In a normal setting, PRVs should have an inspection every year, and you should replace them at
most every five years for safety.  There are exceptions for every situation, so check the
requirements for your particular machinery. Here are some common problems to check for when
doing your inspection:

 Diaphragms (main and pilot) – no leaks
 Cracks in fittings – no leaks, in particular near joints
 Strainer screen – dirty/plugged
 Lines – no blocks or plugs
 Ball valve – proper position (open or closed)

If anything looks out of the ordinary, make sure you understand the entire problem before
attempting a repair. After the problem’s fixed, double check before you say the PRV is working and
there are no other repairs needed.

Staying Safe

Pressure relief valve repair is an important part of ship safety. Only qualified people should work
on PRVs, they should follow all the manufacturer instructions. Communicate with all parties to
choose the best repair parts.

Doing a full inspection ensures you’ll have no surprises down the road.

We can help you figure out which valve fits your needs. Contact us for a quote today.

Naval Applications: Types of Valves Used on Ships

To keep the power of an entire Navy fleet operational, you need to ensure you use the right

What kind of equipment does the Navy trust to keep their ships in top shape?

Here we will look at the types of valves the Navy uses and their designs.

Different Types of Valves

Valves are one of the most important pieces when dealing with any fluid. This makes them key on
a large naval ship.

A valve controls the distribution and pressure of various fluids. A large variety of machinery in
ships run with the regulating flow of liquid.

Valves come in a large variety. Their size is often dictated by the size of the system.

The designs of each type of valve center around how their mechanism works. Some popular valve
designs are the shutoff, the ball, the needle, the butterfly, and the pinch.

One popular valve used in the Navy is the gate valve.

The Gate Valve

The gate valve is a simple and effective design. It takes its name after its base mechanism.

A gate valve has a simple mechanism. As the valve turns, a device raises or lowers to control the
flow of liquid.

This simplicity is why it is a well-used design. Over-complication when creating any sort of
mechanical structure will only lead to trouble.

A Variety of Designs

Though a gate valve may be simple, it can still have variations in its design. The major design
differences sort into two types; there is the rising stem and the non-rising stem.

rising stem design has threads on the on the stem that connects it to the yoke of the valve.

non-rising stem has the opposite effect. It instead has threads that connect the gate to the stem.

What does this all mean? The rising stem design does as it says: the stem rises when used. Because
of this, many prefer the non-rising stem in tight environments.

The Pros and Cons of the Gate Valve

In either design, gate valves work against the flow of water. The gates will stop the flow of liquid,
which can cause stress on the rest of the system.

Keeping a close eye on the system can prevent any sort of problems from occurring. Either way, it
is still a downside to the design.

The main use of a gate valve is to allow the fluid to flow in both directions with ease. As well, due
to its downside, the gate valve has to create a low-pressure system.

Regular maintenance is key. The gland packing used to stop water leakage will need to be replaced
at regular intervals.

With simplicity and solid strength, the gate valve is a trusted structure of Navy ships.

The Parts You Need

We at CPV Manufacturing believe in quality. No matter what kind of fitting or valve you may
need, we work with you every step of the way.

Do you have a project that needs a little extra help? Not sure what types of valves you need? We
can help sort out the details. Contact us today!

Undersea Applications

The Issues Facing Underwater Valves

Land, air, and sea, valves can be found just about anywhere we can imagine and in places that are hard to fathom.

Pressure relief valves and fittings have been sent to the far reaches of space and into the depths of the ocean. While trips to space happen occasionally, there is a lot of activity in the earth’s waters.

Offshore Drilling

The oil and gas industry has come a long way in the 121 years since H.L. Williams drilled the first offshore oil well from a pier near Summerland, California. According to IHS Markit, as of June 8, 2018, there are 778 offshore oil rigs worldwide.

There are not many environments on earth that are as harsh as the deep sea. And as oil and gas exploration takes us farther out into the deep, the setting will not become any more hospitable. On the surface, you have environmental conditions like extreme cold, gusty winds, permafrost, and ice.

At average seawater depths of around 3,000 meters, or 9,843 feet, equipment is subjected to freezing temperatures, corrosion, and an external pressure of 4,371 psi. Drilling also takes place in waters more than three times this and in shallow locations closer to shore.

On top of the physical conditions lies the fact that 10,000 feet under the ocean’s surface and hundreds of miles from land is not the most convenient location to service a valve. Last but not least, valve failure has the potential to cause an environmental catastrophe. That means valves and fittings used in offshore drilling operations need to be fail proof and remain leak free until their work is done.

Diving In

It’s not just about oil & gas. Pressure relief valves and fittings are a necessity when it comes to diving operations, which may or may not be associated with underwater drilling. It goes without saying that a diver’s air supply is critical to survival and valves control it. While humans may not have the physical ability to withstand the pressure of a thousand meters of seawater above their heads, the pressure faced by divers is still significant enough that specially-designed valves are required.

For every 10 meters below the surface, the pressure increases by one atmosphere, or 14.6 psi. Specially designed CPV valves have been used for diving applications withstanding up to 500 psi of external pressure.

Aside from the pressure, salt water is corrosive at any depth.

A Closer Look at Undersea Challenges

When outfitting piping systems above the surface, much of our attention is on internal pressure and corrosion. In undersea environments, we’ve got to look at the opposite. It’s the external forces that are the primary concern.

Without enough opposing internal pressure, the external pressure could crush the pipes and valves. On top of that, seawater is highly corrosive. As explained on the website Corrosionpedia, corrosion by seawater is caused by three primary factors:

  1. It’s salinity (the concentration of chloride ions)
  2. The dissolved oxygen (which can be influenced by the salinity)
  3. The temperature (increasing temperature = increased corrosion)

These factors also vary based on depth or distance from the surface level.

This makes the selection of the right materials a top priority when it comes to the design of undersea valves and fittings.

Seaworthy Solutions

Because each use, location, and/or situation is unique, off-the-shelf valves are not an option for most underwater or undersea use. Designers and engineers must work with the manufacturer to ensure that they build the exact product needed for the application.

CPV Manufacturing proudly offers valves and fittings for even the harshest environments. O-SEAL®, Mark VIII®, and/or Direct Weld fittings are a good place to start for your underwater needs.

If you are an oil or gas producer and you need a pressure relief valve or fitting for undersea application, you need the one-on-one help and expertise of the manufacturer. Contact us and we’ll work with you to ensure you get exactly what you need for safe, reliable, and long-lasting operations.

What It Means to Meet the SUBSAFE Certification

The SUBSAFE Program has served as a platform for creating capable and safe vessels for the United States Navy. Established in 1963, just two months after the loss of the USS Thresher, the SUBSAFE Program works to ensure the watertight integrity and recovery capability of all naval vessels through the SUBSAFE certification process.

Find out what it means to meet the SUBSAFE Certification below.

The SUBSAFE Certification Process

According to the U.S. NavySUBSAFE Certification, The SUBSAFE certification process ensures that all naval vessels are capable enough for unrestricted operations. It works to provide reassurance that all ships are designed to deliver optimum watertight integrity to reduce the risk of flooding. The certification also ensures that all submarines have the recovery capabilities needed to help them resurface safely should flooding occur.

The SUBSAFE Certification Program covers four areas of a vessel’s creation:

  • Design
  • Material
  • Fabrication
  • Testing

For a ship to be SUBSAFE certified, it must meet the program’s safety requirements for all areas listed. This means that the overall design, materials used, manufacturing process, and testing procedures used to create the submarine minimizes the risk of flooding in unrestricted operations. Certification for each of these areas applies to the construction and maintenance of the vessel throughout its entire life.

The SUBSAFE Program Culture

Safety is the biggest priority in the creation of U.S. Navy vessels, and that’s clear when we look at the SUBSAFE Program and certification process. The SUBSAFE Program and certification promote optimum safety by encouraging work discipline, material control, and documentation.

SUBSAFE CertificationWork discipline ensures that everyone understands all the safety requirements and compliance with those requirements during the creation of a U.S. Navy vessel. Material control makes sure that all materials used are durable and correctly installed. This includes all materials used for storage, handling, and installation in the submarine.

Documentation is the most important part of the SUBSAFE Certification process. It promotes overall assurance and accountability. There are two categories for the documentation stage:

  • Selected Record Drawings and Data is used to collect records regarding the vessel’s system diagrams, SUBSAFE Mapping Drawing, Ship Systems Manuals, etc., when it’s being designed. These documents should be maintained throughout the entire life of the ship to retain its SUBSAFE Certification.
  • Objective Quality Evidence requires documentation for all work performed on the submarine throughout its life. These documentations include everything from weld forms to hydrostatic and operational test forms. These documentations work to ensure that all maintenance and work for the vessels were performed correctly. They also provide proof that all the steps were taken to ensure that the submarine complies with all the safety requirements of the SUBSAFE Program.

What It Means to Meet the SUBSAFE Certification

Meeting the SUBSAFE Certification means that the vessel created is safe enough for unrestricted operation in the United States Navy. It ensures that the vessel is designed and made with the proper parts to help minimize the risk of flooding. It also makes sure that the submarine can safely resurface should flooding occur.

Here at CPV Manufacturing, we’re proud to provide the U.S. Navy with the high-quality valves and fittings needed to help their vessels meet the SUBSAFE Certification. Our Quality Management System is certified in the areas of design, material, fabrication, and testing, and has been approved to meet the requirement of MIL-I-45208, SUBSAFE Level 1, EB 2678.

For more information about our trusted valves and fittings, contact CPV Manufacturing today.

2016 International WorkBoat Show

Every year, thousands of mariners from across the globe flock to New Orleans for the International WorkBoat Show. This annual event helps business owners and workers learn more about the latest trends and issues in the marine industry as well as the newest industry products and technologies.

The 2016 International WorkBoat Show is slated to take place during the first week of December. Read on to learn more about what you can expect from this year’s event.

General Details: When and Where?

2016 International WorkBoat ShowThe 2016 International WorkBoat Show will be held on November 30, December 1, and December 2 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA. The three-day conference and show will provide mariners with the industry information needed to overcome potential issues and enhance overall efficiency in the workplace.

Conference Sessions and Workshops

During this three-day event, workers and business owners in the marine industry are invited to attend a variety of lectures and workshops to learn more about the current challenges and trends in the industry.

Conference sessions and workshops are led by prominent industry experts and will focus on four areas:

  • Regulatory updates
  • Technical training
  • Business practices
  • Emerging issues

2016 International WorkBoat ShowOn top of that, the International WorkBoat Show will feature a selection of workshops designed to provide tips and best practices for running a business in the marine industry. A few notable workshops at this year’s event include “Improving Shipbuilding Safety,” “Innovative Ways to Solve Emissions Problems without Compromising Fuel Consumption,” and “Getting Your Maritime Connectivity Strategy Right – Challenges and Best Practices.

Plus, workshops and lectures specifically designed for young professionals will be available. These sessions will provide young workers and employers with the tips and information needed to help them better understand the industry to ensure success for the future.

Top industry suppliers and vendors will also be at the International WorkBoat Show. They will showcase the newest products and technologies and perform product demonstrations.

Keynote: Becoming a Better Leader

One of the most anticipated parts of the International WorkBoat Show is the keynote presentation. This year’s keynote will be delivered by Leif Babin and Jocko Willink.

Babin and Willink will discuss their experiences in the Navy and how they used practical leadership concepts and principles in combat. They’ll also focus on their concept of Extreme Ownership. Plus, they’ll teach you how to use leadership combat tactics to become a better leader and ensure success in the workplace.

The International WorkBoat Show kicks off on November 30 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans. If you’re interested in learning more about the latest technologies and news in the marine industry, register to attend online now.

How Does a Hydraulic System Work? O-Seal Trusted by the Navy

Hydraulic systems can be found in everything from cars to industrial machinery. They’re designed to provide power, control, safety, and reliability, but how does a hydraulic system work?

How Does a Hydraulic System Work?

How Does a Hydraulic System WorkHydraulic systems are made up of numerous parts:

  • The reservoir holds hydraulic fluid.
  • The hydraulic pump moves the liquid through the system and converts mechanical energy and motion into hydraulic fluid power.
  • The electric motor powers the hydraulic pump.
  • The valves control the flow of the liquid and relieve excessive pressure from the system if needed.
  • The hydraulic cylinder converts the hydraulic energy back into mechanical energy.

There are also numerous types of hydraulic systems, but each contains the same main components listed above. They’re also all designed to work the same way.

Hydraulic systems use the pump to push hydraulic fluid through the system to create fluid power. The fluid passes through the valves and flows to the cylinder where the hydraulic energy converts back into mechanical energy. The valves help to direct the flow of the liquid and relieve pressure when needed.

Hydraulic Systems on Ships

How Does a Hydraulic System WorkIn addition to vehicles and industrial machinery, hydraulic systems can be found on ships. Hydraulic systems on ships are used in various applications. For example, systems used for cargo systems make carrying heavy materials and performing other cargo operations easier and less time consuming.

A ship’s engine room also includes hydraulic systems such as a hydraulic automatic control system. These help to regulate valve positions as well as the pneumatic air pressure in the engine room.

On top of that, hydraulic systems in a ship’s stabilizers prevent the vessel from rolling and ensure a smooth performance across open waters.

Plus many industrial ships include machinery and tools like deck cranes that are run by hydraulic systems.

O-Seal Valves and Fittings and the Navy

Hydraulic systems can be found on many US Navy vessels. And with help from CPV Manufacturing and our line of O-Seal valves and fittings, these systems can ensure smooth operations and safety.

Our line of O-Seal products was developed in the 1950s when CPV Manufacturing started working with the US Navy. We wanted to make sure that every component of our high-pressure couplings met US Navy specifications. However, testing each connection would have been too strenuous and dangerous to do by hand. That’s when we created a test stand using O-ring connections.

Contact The Valve Experts

This method allows us to easily disassemble and reassemble each component to perform each test to ensure proper performance and safety. We then took those concepts and developed our line of O-Seal products.

Benefits of O-Seal Valves and Fittings in Hydraulic Systems

CPV Manufacturing’s O-Seal valves and fittings are unique. Unlike other valves, our products are leakproof and designed to last. On top of that, they can withstand extreme temperatures and are rated for vacuum to 6,000 psi in liquid or gas applications, making them ideal for many types of hydraulic systems.

However, what makes our O-Seal valves truly unique is that they come with interchangeable parts. The soft goods in the cartridge can be removed and made with different types of materials for certain applications.

The versatility of our O-Seal products presents a cost-effective solution for the US Navy and many other companies across the globe. With interchangeable parts, our O-Seal valves can be used for a number of applications, which means companies no longer purchase additional valves to run their systems.

To learn more about our line of O-Seal products, contact CPV Manufacturing now.